Elements - Discovering your blueprint

Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything, better." Albert Einstein

This quote from Albert Einstein is more of a truth-bomb than we possibly realised.  We get caught up in life's challenges, we sometimes forget we are biological beings, included and supported in nature's elemental powerhouse.

  • What if the elemental blueprints and building blocks that exist in nature, also exist profoundly within you, other people, your business or your workplace?
  • And what if these same elements provide you with keys to thrive personally and professionally?

Creating success and flow in your work/life while keeping yourself authentic, happy and fulfilled is possible.  And it is usually achieved by design, not by default.

Natural rhythm and flow.

We all enjoy a more peaceful place in nature in all its seasons, growth cycles and abundance. It is like this in our work/life-world too. If we go against the flow and try and force things, it feels like we're swimming upstream.  Instead, we want to feel resilient with a sense of ease and flow.

If we view ourselves, others and our business first as an energy system (a collection of mindsets, emotions and culture), and combine this view with a practical tangible approach, with proven tools and resources, we have a powerful system to thrive.

What are the elements?

Every living thing is made up of the natural elements of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. When understood, and harnessed it is a simple, effective and practical blueprint to understanding everything, better.

The elements provide flow with a step by step way of thriving on purpose.

Who uses this system?

Beautiful souls who want a better way to create flow, simplicity, and fulfilment, including

  • conscious business owners
  • creatives
  • coaches
  • teachers
  • therapists
  • practitioners
  • healers

Find out how the elements can help you to thrive on purpose

Be in your element (your elemental archetype)


  • Discover your own elemental preferences, gifts, talents and purpose
  • Understand why people do the things they do and say the things they say
  • Identify and overcome unhelpful habits
  • Build on your natural strengths
  • Communicate so different people understand
  • Create personalised practices to support you in your goals

Biz elements

People who prefer their creative gifts, often struggle with the seemingly overwhelming and tedious nuts and bolts of the processes and performance side of their biz.  Creating a business plan, setting up a good process and systems and endless admin can be an energy drain, yet necessary.   And people who prefer their more logical and reasoning gifts, often struggle with the creativity part of their biz.  Force fitting yourself into your biz can leave you feeling burned out, overwhelmed and disappointed.

Biz elements is a natural system to bring a new way to plan and grow your business by integrating the creative and the traditional business nuts and bolts in a way that is do-able and flows.

The cycle of growth in your business is made up of elemental themes, patterns, seasons, phases and steps. These all influence purpose, decisions, activities, efficiency, effectiveness, energy levels and success.

Bloom with elements

You may have heard the saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup’ and for those of us who care a lot about others and give a lot of ourselves, to keep serving, we need to make sure we take care of ourselves.

Nurturing your whole being is a practice of self-love and kindness.   It is from this place, we can truly serve.   Yet many of us it find it challenging to do as our instincts seem to put others first, and sometimes our work first.

Our mind, body, spirit and heart are aligned beautifully to the elements and a simple, effective way to balance your energy and bloom.

No matter what is happening in your life, you always have your elemental centre to return, to honour, anchor, align and rise.

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